Hey what's up baby? Oh nothing, how are you? What's your name? Ariana Grant. Wow and how old are you? I'm 19. 19 years old.
And how tall are you? I'm 5 foot. 5 feet tall, wow. And how much do you weigh? 98 pounds.
Wow so you're really really small. I'm a little tiny person. Petite. Nice. So like growing up did you have a lot of like difficulties like finding clothes that fit you or?
Not really I feel like I was always kind of like in the same group like size wise but then like after like ************* I stopped growing whenever I was continued so it was still easy to shop.
Shopping like in the junior section, in the store and stuff. It must be real easy to like buy shoes also right? To buy shoes yeah. Especially sneakers, you pay less for them.